Dao: Duan-Xiu (Passage: the Broken-Sleeve) 道·断袖
2018 - ongoing (1st - 2nd iteration) | 2018至今
Hybrid media & site-specific installation: dimensions and mediums vary
Actual exhibition iterations do NOT have any statement or traditional wall text. Instead, a Glossary (available here) is included in each installation.
The concept of Dao: Duan-Xiu came from a chapter in the Chinese history book, Han Shu (汉书) or the Book of Han. Although the term, “duan-xiu” (断袖; lit. the cut-sleeve) was only briefly mentioned in Han Shu, it had evolved into a 2000+ y/o euphemism for gayness after appearing in other Chinese literary texts.
In this project, the incense, smoke, and ashes act as three primary, tangible metaphors for these intangible themes:
Referring to how variables can affect the progression of history and time, the visual form of “Dao: Duan-Xiu” is not fixed. Particularly, while the core concepts of the project remain the same, the visual presentation of each iteration changes according to the exhibition space. The title is pronounced as Dao: Dooan Sh'you |
《道·断袖》的灵感源自《汉书·佞幸传》中董贤与汉哀帝的故事。“断袖”一词在《汉书》中仅是昙花一现,却在中国历史上演变成了对男同志(同性恋者)的主要代称之一,也见证了LGBT+ 群体在中国/中华文化、社会中错综复杂的地位。
世人常常将历史变迁比作过眼云烟,《道·断袖》就以烟、线香、灰烬三种具象符号来探讨抽象的主题:如时间中的因果关系,以及文化符号的产生、传播、演变。 好比时代洪流之变幻莫测,不同时代的人群对同件事与物会有不一样的解读。《道·断袖》在保留主题、故事背景的前提下,并无固定的艺术表现形式,每个版本亦会根据展出环境做出变动与拓展。 |
2nd Iteration | 第二版 (多伦多TSV橱窗版), 2019
SITE-SPECIFIC INSTALLATION for Trinity Square Video Vitrine
Site-specific installation with hybrid media: a silent HD video (6'30" on loop), peach-scented incense stick, incense ash, digital print on transparency, mylar, metal chains, hooks, and brass incense holder.
-- The incense holder is a custom-made metalwork handcrafted by Charlize Nhung (website). It is painted by me with a baoxiang flower design based on the mural in Cave no. 45 of Mogao Caves, Dunhuang. 宝相花型香插由多伦多艺术家 Charlize Nhung 手工打造。纹样原型参照莫高窟第四十五窟的盛唐壁画,并由Eric手绘完成。 Curator: Karina Iskandarsjah |
1st Iteration | 第一版, 2018
A shadowbox with phtographic print on paper, incense stick & ashes, black crafting paper